Helping New Therapists

Sol et Luna

In 2016, I rebranded my existing massage business to Sol et Luna, meaning sun and moon, which represents the masculine and feminine sides to healing and bodywork. This was the start of focusing on combining traditional spa style massages with corrective orthopedic styles of bodywork. Seeing much success and growth, I made the decision to hire additional therapists. What I discovered was that there are a lot of massage therapists, but so many of them are lacking in effective techniques to actually resolve clients' issues. This prompted my decision to start training new massage therapists on how to be effective in correcting dysfunction in soft tissue. In 2020, I took on my first "apprentice". Unfortunately, Covid-19 put a hold on business for most of us and my apprentice had to move away. In 2022, I was able to start up again with another apprentice. She is doing fantastic and is getting fantastic feedback and reviews. I am currently interviewing for the next and looking for a few more.

This training does take a large portion of my time and there is no cost to the apprentice. To support this I have decided to re-establish my original brand, The Massage Artist, in the original format as when I started it, all sessions are in home services. I will only be doing 9 sessions per week so that I may focus my time on training the next generation of healers and bodyworkers.

Training at Sol et Luna

Working with "apprentices" has caused me to reflect more on how I achieve consistent results. Sharing the concepts that I use in my practice has allowed me to refine my skills even more and gain a deeper understanding of how the body responds to this type of healing. As I continue to learn new modalities and further my continued education, I am finding that sharing key concepts of these new skills with my mentees furthers to ingrain this knowledge into my skillset.

Training Concepts

A bodyworker/healers' tools are the knowledge of the body and techniques that they accumulate over time. The main techniques that I teach are Muscle Tracing™, Myofascial Release, and Triggerpoint therapies, as well as several series of pain relief and soft tissue corrective protocols that I use in orthopedic sessions. The secondary part of the training is meant to guide the mentee with combining all of their "tools" into a seamless relaxing and effective massage. 

The Massage Artist

Providing in home therapies for increased mobility and relief from pain and stress for active lifestyles.

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